Charak M-2 Tone 60 Tablets


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Non-hormonal menstrual regulator with estrogen action,against menstrual disorders

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Charak M-2 Tone Tablets

Packaging: 60tabs

Non-hormonal menstrual regulator with estrogen action – Against menstrual disorders.

  • Stimulates the function of the ovaries and endometrium.
  • Strengthens the axis, hypothalamus – pituitary gland – ovulation.
  • Promotes endogenous hormonal secretions.
  • It acts directly on the muscles of the uterus.
  • Improves blood circulation in the vessels of the uterus.
  • Controls and stops abnormal uterine bleeding.
  • Increases the receptivity of the endometrium to the fertilized egg (zygote) by aiding its implantation.
  • Relieves premenstrual syndrome.
  • Fights dysmenorrhea.
  • Stimulates the nervous system.
  • Removes irritation and hot flashes.
  • Regulates the menstrual cycle.
  • Contributes to the overall hormonal balance.

Useful in:

  • Menstrual disorders.
  • Irregular menstrual cycle.
  • Secondary amenorrhea – oligomenorrhea – dysmenorrhea – uterine bleeding.
  • Premenstrual syndrome.
  • After surgical termination of pregnancy.
  • Infertility not accompanied by organ dysfunction.
How To Use

2 tablets 2-3 times a day


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Aditional Information

Weight 0,130 kg

Age group